Monday, October 14, 2013

Craft Room Model - Completed

So we finished the remodel on the craft/office/guest room. To see the beginning of our project go here

It was a very long project but the end results are well worth it. 

This is the closet with the new sheet rock up. I had pictures of the process of putting the sheet rock up but Blogger wasn't liking my pictures for some reason. At this point, we had painted the ceiling and walls plus installed the lighting. The paint is a nice neutral grey. A lot better than the hideous tan yellow that was on the wall.


One day while I was at work Kalan painted the accent wall. It is an aqua color with a dry brush look. You can't see the texture here but it looks really cool. The flooring is the best part in my opinion! This flooring is going in every room of the house except for the bathrooms and kitchen. It will make the house look so much better. 

The floor is finished and the new base boards are down. They are just 1"x4" boards. It looks so sleek and modern. 

This is our accent wall. These are old windows that we screwed to the wall. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Kalan was very hesitant about it until we put them up. He likes them now too. We put a black sleeper sofa in the nook that the closet created. It was a perfect fit and is now ready for guests. 

Sorry that this picture is sideways. I have tried and tried to get it to reformat but alas it has not saved. This is the view of the room with the nook completely finished. 

This is a view straight into the room. This desk has been put to great use. 

This shelving unit is a lot more full now. 

This is a little corner for reading or just sitting for a chat. I made the art on the walls. It was really simple. I would do a blog post on the art but I didn't take pictures of each step. Maybe I will recreate the steps to document them, if people are interested. The only thing we have added to the room is a clock above the door. That way I don't lose track of time when I am creating beautiful pieces of art. 

I love this room! The color scheme I went with is Aqua, Watermelon, and Grey. I wasn't too picky about all the shades matching but they needed to at least be in that pallet. Our next room is the Guest Room. Can't wait to share the finished product with you. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Where Are The Smiths?

Where have the Smiths been? We have been crazy! :) We have had some life altering changes. First, Russia closed their international adoption gates. So we put adopting on hold until we can see what God has in store for us. Second, Kalan started a travel job and is gone more often than he is home. Third, we made a little change to our family. Turns out I am highly allergic to rabbits so they had to go. And we replaced them with a new bassett hound puppy, Missy.

So needless to say, we have been very busy adjusting to all of the changes. They have not been easy. I am always tired and when Kalan comes home he gets to take charge of the fur babies and I get to sleep! The weekends are glorious just for that reason!

We have completed some projects around the house and I am excited to share them with you! So be on the lookout for upcoming posts. But please be patient with me. It has been about 6 months since Kalan started his job and I am still not used to juggling everything on my own. I really have respect for military wives that do it on their own for extended periods of time with no break. I truly have no idea how you do it.
