Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back To School

So in my last post I shared how Kalan and I are making some major decisions in our lives. One of those decisions, is me going back to school and a huge career change.

Let's go back and look at how I came to where I am today. About 5 or so years ago I was on my way to school! I had taken a little bit of a break after high school but now I was ready to pursue my career. "What career was that?", you may ask. Photography. I love taking pictures of other people and events. I am a bit of a picture-holic and have photos from as far back as when I was 10 years old, maybe even earlier. I had done all of the paperwork and had my student loan. I was two weeks away from leaving for school, when my dad told me that he thought it was best that I didn't go. Now, I was more than old enough to make my own decisions but he was my daddy and I still lived in his home. So, I called the school and told them that I would not be attending come fall...It was definitely amongst the hardest conversations that I have ever had. After that I put school on hold for what I thought would be forever. I continued to work full time and bust my hump to make it to where I am today.

Today, I have a husband who is backing me 1000% on my journey back to school. I know it will be really hard because I have been out of the classroom since I graduated in 2005. But it is a change that I am so looking forward to!

So here are my plans so far (unless God sees fit to bring us a precious little one :D), I plan on attending Virginia College in Savannah around the beginning of the year. Click here to get an idea of what the program looks like.

The program I am taking is the Culinary Arts certificate program to begin with, which is a 9 month program. Classes are Monday - Friday 5:30 pm -10:40 pm. (I am still going to work full-time, hence the late hour for classes.) The last 11 or so weeks of the program I actually have to intern somewhere and put my skills to the test. Then I will get my certificate. After I complete that program, then I want to do the Pastry Arts certificate program, which will only be one more quarter of work because the first two quarters are same classes and they don't require you to take them again.

I am super excited about the program because they are going to teach me how to do everything by hand (They have a bun press that is brand spanking new and never been touched), they will teach me to cook everything from chicken to wild game to tofu and everything in between, they will teach me how to not chop off my fingers, sanitation, and all the other good stuff. It is a good program to teach a little bit of everything.

Yesterday I took the placement test, which pretty much told them that I could read, write, and do math and I filled out my application online. Later this week I get to meet with the financial advisors and get the ball rolling with that. So pray as Kalan and I figure out the next step and when the best time is for me to start school. I definitely don't want to jump into this blindly! Look for other posts along the way about my journey back to school!


  1. Yay! I'm so excited for you, Steph! :)

    1. Thanks! We definitely need to do the "Sense & Sensibility" movie night soon! :D

    2. Heck yeah, girl! :) Totally. :) I'm actually going to be spending the night with Michael and Heather soon, so maybe it'll work out for everyone. We'll see! :D

  2. So very excited for you, and you have a willing "test food" family right here whenever you need us. LOL!!

    1. Thanks, Ms. Dawn! I will put your family at the top of the list for guinea pig duty!! lol

  3. Excited for you. You will do awesome!! You are a wonderful cook and I will always remember the meal you made for Morgan and I.


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